Our News

On 25th February we were delighted to have the opportunity to kick off the 2018 season ourselves, by arranging an exciting pre-season shakedown.

We ran the day in association with the Caterham Graduates, also offering free tuition, passenger rides, extra drivers and garages. The day was run in very cold, but clear and sunny conditions, and provided almost an entire day of circuit time, with less than 10 minutes of circuit closures due to red flags.

The day was a fantastic opportunity for those who are less experienced in racing to mix with some racing drivers, jostle with them on track, and observe some of the inner workings of the race teams.

With plenty of instruction available, drivers were honing their techniques and improving their speed and safety all day long.

We were very fortunate with the weather, with snow coming down just two days later and shutting the circuit, so we’re very grateful to the weather gods!

Here’s to a great 2018 season, and watch this space for some more opportunities to get on track with Torque Motorsport.